Saturday, February 11, 2006

Welcome to Our Mediation Blog

Here are some basic facts about mediation that you may be interested in!

  • Mediation is the use of an impartial person to help parties in conflict make informed decisions while empowering them to find their own solutions to problems.
  • Mediation is a voluntary settlement process based on a win/win concept of dispute resolution.
  • Mediation is less costly, both emotionally and financially, than litigation.
  • Mediation helps the parties understand the problem and each other better.
  • Mediation solves the problem and helps the parties maintain their relationship.
  • Mediation is confidential and avoids public disclosure of problems.
  • Mediation can be completed in less time and with less cost than litigation so that everyone can move on.
  • Mediation is a process which is cooperative and constructive.
  • Mediation is scheduled at your convenience, not at the convenience of the court.

  • Mediation helps you make decisions together about how you will parent your children after divorce or separation.
  • ediation can help you learn how to effectively communicate with each other about your children in a business like manner.
  • Mediation allows you to write your own parenting plan specific to your needs and the needs of your children.
  • Mediation helps keep the children out of the middle of the conflict and if parents agree, may give them a place to voice their concerns.
  • Mediation helps educate you about how to resolve conflicts in the future.
  • Mediation is being recognized by courts all around the world as a better way to resolve parenting issues.

  • Because you can access mediation more quickly, you have a greater opportunity to preserve existing relationships. Problems which are promptly addressed don't have the ability to fester and poison the workplace atmosphere.

  • Mediation allows the people involved in a dispute to sit down, outside the glare of co-workers, and to talk about the problem
  • Mediation significantly reduces the amount of time diverted from your business.
  • Mediation allows the individuals involved in a dispute to arrive at solutions that work for them, and can be as creative as they are.
  • Mediation helps co-workers, supervisors, and others involved to increase their level of communication, and consequently their trust.
  • Mediation allows all participants to be treated with respect.
    Research shows that job satisfcation and commintment to the team goal incread as team members believe their voice is heard within the organization.

  • Mediation helps neighbors solve problems together
  • Mediation provides a forum for every voice to be heard respectfully and attentively.
  • Mediation is a proven avenue for resolving disputes, more quickly, more economically and more completely than the more traditional civil litigation.
  • Mediation is conducted in a non-adversarial forum which allows people to maintain healthy relationships;therby keeping the community healthy

  • Mediation can be scheduled quickly, so that problems can be addressed and resolved expediently.
  • Mediation brings together the stakeholders-adminstrators, teachers, partnets, students-in a postivie atmosphere that encourages cooperation, no coercion.
  • Mediation enchances communication between and among groups that may otherwise view each other as hostile.
  • Mediation provides students with a model for conflict resolution, which gives them an important tool for their future.

  • In Mediation, the participants know their costs up front, and con focus on solving the dispute rather than worrying about the litigation expenses.
  • Mediation allows people to maintain their privacy about medical issues by not having them discussed in court.
  • In Mediation, people are encouraged to ask questions to better understand the process and the other person, whereas litigation can be confusing and frustrating for non-attorneys
  • Mediation provides an expediant settlement and avoids the possiblities of long costly appeals
  • Mediation allows people to move on and start healing, without centering their lives around an on-going legal battle.

  • Mediation provides buyers, sellers and agents a neutral forum for resolving disputes
  • Mediation offers a prompt and convenient opportunity to work out problems, and save the deal, even on threatened at the last minute
  • Mediation occurs in a confidential setting
    Mediated settlements are much more likely than cour or arbitration decisions to be fulfilled by all parties.

To find out if Mediation is right for you please visit our website:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really informative, I was looking for info on mediation and ran across your fact sheet.

I'm wondering if you still need a lawyer if you use a mediator for divorce?

12:34 PM  
Blogger OhioMediators said...

It is always a good idea to get legal counsel when going through a divorce. Different states and even different counties in the same state have civil rules regarding the process and look for certain legal boilerplate in docuemnts. We suggest that couples have legal counsel to review the memorandum of agreement and prepare the documents appropriately so that they are not "kicked out" because of inadequate language. Especially in cases where there are children and/or complex property issues it is always important for people to know their BATNA and WATNA. Best alternate to a negotiated agreement and worst alternative to a negotiated agreement - here is where your attorney can give you important information which would be necessary in order to made informed agreements. Hope this helps.

9:00 AM  

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