Monday, February 13, 2006


How often have you heard, "I just don't know what to do with mom and dad. They are getting older and I don't think they can take care of themselves anymore. My siblings won't help and I am stuck doing everything!" Often there comes a time in adult lives when an aging parent, grandparent, sibling, need care. In times of crisis, when adult children have to make these care decisions for parents, they are often confused, stressed and overwhelmed. Siblings may disagree about the best course of action, parents may feel ignored if not consulted about his or her own care. Often care requirements and responsibility for an aging parent falls more heavily on one sibling causing resentment and exhaustion.

Mediation is an excellent resource for families in time of the care issue crisis. Mediation is a professionally facilitated process which helps people in dispute solve problems creatively and peacefully. Mediation helps maintain relationships in that it is a safe place for family members to discuss difficult, important matters and express feelings. Mediation is also a way to educate the parties about how to solve problems in the future.

We understand the difficulties that families in this situation face. At your convenience, we will come to your home, the care facility or meet with you in our offices. We also offer telephone conference mediation which keeps distant family members involved in decision making.

Peace is easily maintained;
Trouble is easily overcome before it starts.
The brittle is easily shattered:
The small is easily scattered.
Deal with it before it happens.
Set things in order before there is confusion.
Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching


Blogger OhioMediators said...

Marian: I did visit your site, and wonder if you would consider posting some information about the benefits of mediation for those facing care decisions for/with elderly parents or disabled siblings. The relationship issues are significant, and can cause the parent great heartache if adult children become estranged, particularly when the estrangement seems to arise as part of the caregiving decision-making or care giving itself. Thanks.
Ohio Mediation & Mediators

12:46 PM  

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