Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mediation Training For Everyone

We have recently concluded our September Basic Mediation Training, and in the midst of a discussion one of the participants asked, "Can I use this in my everyday life?" In a nutshell, the compelling argument for everyone to take mediation training. We teach new skills, but mainly we help the participants look at new ways of using skills they already have, and we help to develop and strengthen where appropriate. Mediation is about communication, and effective communication. That takes practice. We as a species aren't that good at it. So we practice, using those particular skills that enhance understanding, encourage exchange, and promote dialogue. If we can achieve understanding, exchange of ideas and dialogue in mediation, we often find ourselves in the neighborhood of resolution. Because most disagreements, most disputes and most conflicts arise from misunderstanding and miscommunication.
Mediation training is offered throughout the country, and typically at very reasonable cost. Many mediation trainers are willing to come to your school, business, agency or any other group to train the staff, the class or whatever group you have. Imagine the increases in productivity that could result from the reduction in disputes between employees, or the other benefits that might result from mediation training. Let us know what you think. We're happy to discuss it with you.


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